Monday, September 21, 2009

Tree Planting at Bayview Primary School

Mr Pearce, the school caretaker, invited us to come over to school to plant 50 remaining plants in the school garden. The school has just been gifted 400 plants by the Kaipataki Project to plant in the school grounds. The children all planted at least one plant. When they go to school they will be able to go and check on 'their' plant; and be able to care for it. 

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wacky Wednesday Afternoon

On Wednesday 9th September the Afternoon children had a Wacky Wednesday session. SOme came still in their pyjamas; inside out and back to front. Some children had wacky hairdos, we even had a Pirate. The children enjoyed an ice block outside on the garden wall. What fun it was. 

Rhythm Of The Rope

Some of the morning children at Bayview Kindergarten are getting really good at skipping.  They are able to skip to the rhythm of the rope while counting and chanting nursery rhymes.  The photos were taken by Madison and Huntah.

1000 Visitor Party

We have had over a thousand visitors to our Blog. We thank everyone for visiting this site and hope  you have enjoyed looking at the blog as much as we have enjoyed posting the stories of our amazing learning here at Bayview.