Monday, August 16, 2010

Freaky Friday Disco 13th August 2010

We held a Freaky Friday Disco at Kindergarten. It was a success with the children dressing up really Freaky including Teacher Barbara. We had sausages and bread, lollies and popcorn, paint the nails with freaky nail polish and tattoos. The music was wonderful and we danced the night away. We made lots of money, $485.00 Thank you to Dana and the committee for having the Disc.
Maybe we will have another one, What do you think?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Setting up our compost bin.

We set up the compost bin with a keen group of children today. We need to start making our own compost now because it is a way of recycling the children's kai time waste and other garden waste. We have had some beautiful new raised vegetable garden boxes built this term so we are going to need some compost to make our vegetables grow well. The children really enjoy this type of gardening activity. It is teaching them lifelong skills at the same time.

Waste Recycling System Set Up

We have set up a system for the children to recycle their kai time waste. Their is ice cream containers for the various waste, be it for the compost bin, bread waste for the bird feeder, or rubbish bin waste. The system is working well.

Lunchbox Talk

We held a 'lunchbox inspection' today during the session to check the children's lunchbox's for 'healthy food'. Bayview Kindergarten is a 'Healthy Heart' kindergarten and this year we are going for GOLD!!!!. We were extremely impressed with the food in the children's lunchbox's. Thank you to the mum's and dad's for keeping to our healthy food policy. Treats are OK at home and special occasions. :)