Friday, September 21, 2012

Planting Spinach

Above: Today Zoe helped me in the garden. Firstly we pulled the old, 'gone to seed' spinach up out of the garden. We put this into the compost bin (right). 

Below: Zoe holding the new spinach plants ready to plant in the space where the old were. 

Below Right: new spinach planted in the garden with TUI QUASH scattered around so those naughty garden visitors, Mr and Mrs Snail, will not feed on them. 

Zoe, thank you for helping me in the garden today. You are one of the keenest gardeners at kindergarten. Our bird pets are going to enjoy eating the yummy spinach when it grows. I love all the help that  you so happily give me. Gardening is becoming a strong interest for you. 

Written by Barbara. 

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